Thoughts on the Cross

I have so many thoughts about the cross…

It has become my favorite symbol of Christianity.

There’s a BYU podcast called Y Religion & episode 1 “The Atoning Crucifixion” with John Hilton III that completely obliterated the way I see the cross. (Listen here)

Now the image of cross moves me deeply. Not only does it simply & beautifully remind me of Jesus’s sacrifice— but it also symbolizes the vertical connection between us and God and the horizontal connection between us and our fellow men. A stunning reminder that both are needed. I want to be associated with this holy symbol.

For it is rich in symbolism and synonymous with love. It is prophecy fulfilled & redemption made possible.

Mathew 16:24 says

“Then​ said Jesus unto his disciples, If any ​man​ will come after me, let him ​​​deny​ himself, and take up his ​​​cross​, and ​​​follow​ ​​​me​.”

There are heavy crosses we bear in mortality. To follow Jesus is to place His cross upon us. To be different from the world. To be willing not only to bear our burdens, but the burdens of others as well.

In therapy last week, I expressed to my counselor how much it irritates me when people say “you’re so strong” to myself and others who have experienced loss.

After some conversation, my therapist suggested that perhaps a better definition of strong would be “doing the right thing despite your personal pain.”

I love that.

To me, that is Christ— and that is the cross. That is the strength that comes from being yoked with Christ and taking His cross upon us— and that is the only type of “strong” I hope to emulate.

I’ve added some beautiful hypoallergenic dainty 14k gold filled cross studs to the shop.

I’m smitten with them and I hope you will be too 💛

And please please. Listen to that podcast ✝️


Three Days of Grief


What natural birth taught me about death